How I Was Nearly Eaten By Cannibals – Mr Ibu Tells Scary Story


Mainstream Nollywood on-screen character, John Okafor, prevalently known as Mr. Ibu related his horrendous experience with savages at a film area in a remote piece of Nigeria.

The comic actor had a chit-chat with Daily Sun where he spoke about how he was almost eaten by cannibals after his colleagues had mistakenly left him behind at night after filming in the village.

In his words:-

“My partners left me on set accidentally late in the night in the wake of shooting,

In any case, the area chief had before rebuked us to move in bunches in light of the fact that, in the community, they eat human beings.

“In any case, it was very late when we wrapped up.

“We had two area transports and I was at that point sitting on the transport in front but since I was chief, I said let me arrange the individuals on the transport behind before we moved.

“As I landed, the transport in front zoomed off and before I made it to the second transport it likewise moved.

“I continued yelling as I pursued the two transports yet no one heard me and I was disregarded.”

Mr. Ibu said that his dread expanded when he caught two obscure men communicating in a language he could comprehend and they were talking about how scrumptious his tissue would be.

The famous actor said;

“I recollected what the area supervisor disclosed to us before. Is it safe to say that i was going to be a casualty of barbarians? I heard two folks communicating in a recognizable language which I comprehended thus I drew nearer to them and to my stun, I understood I was the topic and what they said just amplified my feelings of dread.

They were discussing how delicious my flesh would be! I climbed to them and welcomed them in the language that they were talking and immediately told that I am not meat.

They were astonished I could communicate in their language and one of them asked where I was from and I revealed to him I was from his clan and I previously had a sibling in him. He was glad and he grasped me and we kept talking.

That was the point at which they cautioned me to prepare to run for my life or I would be dead on the grounds that the individuals around were at that point arranging how to murder and eat me. I was terrified yet I resisted the urge to panic.”

In the interim, Mr. Ibu said it was now, the group continued assembling and creeping towards him and he felt like a caught creature going to be butchered.

Luckily, his companions had landed in due time as he heard them yelling his name from far off.

“They had returned just on time to save me with a group of cops and vigilante. I was enormously alleviated. The difficulty went on for around two hours,” he included.

The entertainer likewise uncovered an exercise he gained from the terrible trial saying:

“Never underestimate any language. Anyplace you are, gain proficiency with the neighborhood language, you can’t tell when it would prove to be useful. Till this day I express gratitude toward God for sparing my life in light of the fact that however for his effortlessness, I would have wound up in the midsection of barbarians.”


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