A nosy employee who can’t mind his business recorded a s..t.e.a.m.y. video of a lady being c..h..e.w.e..d m.e.r.c.i.l.e.s.s.l.y in HR Director’s office during her job interview.
For quite a long time now, there have been many an unverified reports both in media and big corporations claiming how a number of beautiful girls and fresh campus graduates get very good paying jobs and fatty opportunities by simply s..l..3.3.p..i..n…g. around with their superiors and potential future employers.
Of course out of these many blatant allegations, there are scenarios where some girls deliberately want to be hit on by their bosses
That said there is a percentage of ladies that is taken advantage of, with a number of bosses heavily weighing in on their desperation and a lack of bargaining power.
To perhaps bring out a clearer picture of what exactly happens in the recruiting world, there is a video circulating online allegedly showing a yet to be identified lady s.c.r.e.a.m.i.n.g o.u.t l.o.u.d as she’s being taken through a v.i.g.o.r.o.u.s i.n.t.e.r.v.i.e.w i.n.s.i.d.e. an HR office.
Whether or the poor lady managed to get the job is a question that still lingers in many people minds but just take a look at the video below;