A Nigerian lady known as Queen Preshiii on Twitter, has taken to the microblogging platform to reveal what a woman needs from her man that would make her never cheat on him.
According to her, no woman would ever cheat on her man so long as he takes care of her and gives her undivided attention.
Preshiii added that any man who takes his woman out and supports her financially would be securing her loyalty and faithfulness by doing so.
Sharing her assertion which has stirred a debate online, she tweeted;
”No woman will cheat on you if you care for her, give her attention, take her out and support her financially.”
Read some reactions below:
@ThiakosVeli; Even if you give her your kidney.. Girls are girls
@dejiimole; Person wey go cheat go still cheat.
@Ayokasz; Lol Na so e easy reach. She will cheat Cos you are too sweet and she’s doesn’t believe men can be so real
@DannyWalta; My Ex cheated on me still
@Freakyman92; What will she do in return for all the love I give to her.. #Feminist have to see this because I am not in support of only men giving out like we deserve better too.. Men deserve to be taken care of too. We have emotions too, don’t expect us to act strong all the time.
@Laveto5; No man will cheat on you if you respect him, care for him, gives him attention, take him out too and support him financially. Every human deserves good treatment, whether male or female.
@Tolusilas96; You’d see ladies who just want to get rewarded for seating down and looking pretty…with little or no life goals and ambition…they just want to trap a sorted guy, spread their legs and have children…these types are always bound to cheat nonetheless.