A dog has d! ed after she was g@ ng-r@ p3d by several people in a best!al!ty att@ck that left her with 30 st@ b w0unds.
D!stress!ng footage shows the b| 33ding dog struggling to move on the streets of Bogota, Colombia on November 1.
Concerned passersby put a lead on the dog and place a sack under its b| 33ding body.
After the video ended, the group took the dog to the vets in the bag because it was too weak to walk on its own.
Marta Buitrago, the resident who took the dog to the vet, told the newspaper El Tiempo that the dog appeared inj ured and very weak when she found her.
Images and videos were shared on Facebook by Liliana Guerrero who said that the dog “was sta 663d many times and s3 xu@ lly @bus 3d by several people”.
She added: “Because she wouldn’t allow it, they sta6 63d her.”
“They destroyed her g3 n!t@ ls, st@ 66ed her almost 30 times, pun ch3d her and caused other sup3r f!cial !njur!es,” she continued.
Tragically, Liliana later revealed the dog had d! Ed.