Twins Suspected To Be Witches Found N*k.€.d Next To Their Neighbors Gate (18+ Photos)


Two girls who are twins were found n@.k.€.d next to their neighbors gate and people were quick to say that they are w!tch€s and wanted to do their dark magic in their neighbors yard but couldn’t as they were found struggling to open the gate.

On the video, you can see them firstly struggling to get up as if they have spaced out and once the guy tried to open the gate it looked like they wanted to enter into their neighbors yard.

Although they are suspected to be w!tch€s, the question is what if those girls are suffering from a mental problem or even disoriented as they looked like they had no idea where they were or what they were doing in the streets n@k€d.

Some people believe that those two girls are not w!tch€s, they are victims of w!tchcr@ft as w!tch€s used them to do their dirty work but whatever the reason is, many agreed that this is a sensitive matter and be handled as one.

Here it looks like they were struggling to get up

As soon as the guy tried to open the gate one of them also held it and wanted to go in.

According to people who were taking the video, they kept on telling people not to speak to the twins and warned the guy not to open the gate.

See the pictures below.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5



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